Learn Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese and Other Languages ​​for Free on Your Mobile with the Duolingo App

duolingo Learn Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese and Other Languages ​​for Free on Your Mobile with the Duolingo App 2021, android, App, Apple Store, Chinese, duolingo, Duolingo language certificate, Duolingo Plus, Eğitim, English, Free, French, German, Google Play, Italian, language, Learn Language, Linkedin, Russia, Spanish

You want to learn a foreign language such as English, German, Russian and you want to get it done quickly and easily for free. In the past, we used to say, “It’s hard, it doesn’t happen all at once.” Now we say there is a free Duolingo app.

“How does Duolingo work?”, “Is Duolingo paid?”, “How to download Duolingo?” and “How to get a Duolingo language certificate?” I will explain such questions in this article.

First of all, it is obvious that everyone has a tendency to learn a different language for learning a foreign language, but I must say that Duolingo has an innovative teaching method that has received many awards. When I wrote the article, it had more than 300 million users.

There are 99 courses in 38 languages ​​in the system.  You can access French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. In fact, when I learned it, I respected it very much, they also support the disappearing languages ​​belonging to extinct societies. For example Hawaiian language, Navajo Indian language…

The program DOES NOT SAY “Go memorize these, here are the patterns”! really, how a baby learns a language, it goes to teach it step by step. Each concept has subheadings. These are also gradual exercises.


It can be used both on a computer and a mobile phone.

Duolingo website: www.duolingo.com


Apple iPhone, iPad:


Membership is free, you can log in with your Google Gmail account immediately and start learning after the study plan will ask you.

There’s also an air of competition. As you get points, prizes are won, as in a game, as the stage passes, crowns, points increase, promotion to a new league begins. You can see the points received in that league, you can see the names of people who learn like you, their scores, and you can add them as friends.


Each stage is completed with 5 sections as you do the sub-exercises. By clicking the lock next to the stages and passing the mini-exam without subsections, the entire section is considered complete. If your level is advanced, it is possible to pass the beginning sections like this.


While you are having fun solving the exercises, you will lose life every time you make a mistake, then after a few hours the life will be renewed and it will tell you this with a notification. But those who don’t want to wait can take life with the diamonds they earn or practice to take life. These exercises usually consist of previously answered incorrectly. It makes sense to enter a stage with 3 lives on the side. Thus, that stage will be completed somehow. As your knowledge level increases, you will pass the stages without errors.


You collect rewards as you say I’ll work every day for 7 days with Duolingo and increase it to 14 days or more. Let’s say you had a job on one of these days, you could not enter, the compensation for that day can be obtained from the store.

It can be frozen in series with the serial freezing feature.

Double reward can be targeted by choosing the Double feature and saying that I will work every day if I don’t break the 7-day series.

Won rewards consist of elements such as crown, points Lingot.

From Duolingo: What is Lingot?

Lingot  is the virtual currency of Duolingo. Lingots are earned as you learn on Duolingo, and you can spend them in the shop whenever you want! Ways to win:

level up 1 lingot  win
Finishing the skill Get 2 lingots when you finish  a skill
10 day series Earn 1 lingot for every 10 days in the series   (1 for 10 days, 2 for 20 days, etc.)
Note: You can’t earn lingot when you use a shortcut to level up and finish the skill.



In this section, conversations take place in various environments and scenarios and you are involved. This section is so popular that it may be because it touches life and reflects real life, additional stories are requested in the forum.


Like sports leagues, you advance in leagues according to the points you get. The first 10 players will be promoted to the next league at the end of the time. Try to stay in the top 10 for that. There is also an award for being first. You can fight for it, it is quite enjoyable and exciting.


If you come to your own profile, you can see the ones you follow, those who follow you, the great rewards and achievements you have won until then. You can change your profile photo here.



You would guess that a system that serves 300 million people, such as the Duolingo system, costs a server, a software developer, a designer, a trainer, and a large team. All over the world, applications suggest that you either agree to see ads in order to maintain their systems, either become a foundation and survive with donations, or buy a paid membership that doesn’t want to see ads.

When you buy Duolingo Plus, you won’t see any ads, you don’t have to wait when you make a mistake when you pass the stages, and you can access offline / offline when you are not connected to the Internet.

How to Get Free Duolingo Plus Weekly?

To do this, open the application on your mobile phone and click on your profile. After your points you will see the banner Get DuolingoPlus for free.

You invite your friends in that thread. If you wish, by e-mail or Whatsapp, Telegram. If your friend clicks on the link you sent and becomes a member, you will also earn Duolingo Weekly Plus. When more of your friends become members, your weekly Plus period will be extended. For example, 3 friends earn monthly, 10 friends 6 months Plus membership for free.


It’s actually very easy. Search for your friend’s name or email on the right on the website or send an invite. As I wrote above, you can send a referral invitation to earn Plus free of charge.

In the application, there is a woman icon right next to the book in the sub-icons. Press it.
You will see your friends and the add friend button is there too.
If you are a member of the system, find it with SEARCH, otherwise, if you have Facebook, invite it by e-mail.



This is a test and you take the online test by paying the fee. When I wrote this review, the cost was US$49. It gives an identity and validates it at first, and then issues a valid certificate. The answers to most of your questions are here: https://testcenter.zendesk.com/hc/tr

You can try a trial test for free now https://englishtest.duolingo.com/quick

It asks you to download a software, this software tracks your face and makes sure you look elsewhere and make sure you don’t cheat. In this case, the exam will be invalid.

List of institutions where the exam is accepted as valid
(more than 3000 institutions such as Yale, Columbia, NYU, UCLA, Duke, Johns Hopkins),

The certificate from here can be manually added to your LinkedIn profile. It is said that it will be added fully automatically soon.


Let’s say you are bored or you want to close your account for some reason. How do you close your Duolingo account?

Closing an account on the Duolingo site is explained as follows:

If you want to delete your account and personal information, go to Duolingo Drive-Thru link https://drive-thru.duolingo.com/ and click on “Erase Personal Data”. (The big red button at the bottom of the page.)

We will then send an email to the address we found in your account to confirm this deletion request. To confirm that you want to delete your account, you must click the link in the email message. Once you click the confirmation link, your account will be disabled and you will no longer be able to log in. A 7-day cooldown applies in case you change your mind. The confirmation email contains a link that you can use to cancel the deletion. Your account can only be reactivated with the provided link; otherwise you will not be able to login. Once this process is complete, it cannot be undone. Once the deletion is complete, you will receive another email from us confirming that the process is complete. This will affect all your Duolingo accounts, including Tinycards and Duolingo for Schools.

If you are a subscriber of Duolingo Plus via mobile apps (Android or iOS), note that deleting your account will not suspend payments. Because these transactions are managed by Apple or Google. If you need to change your Plus payment settings at Apple or Google, please have a look at this article.

If you choose to deactivate your account (a method that preserves your username and is partially reversible based on deletion), please ask, “ How do I deactivate my Duolingo account? Check out the article titled ”.



Yes, it is used. It is also possible to follow the teacher in Duolingo. Click on the link above, if you are a teacher, continue with the teacher option.
If you have a Google Gmail account, you can enter the system more easily.
Indicate which language you teach, the native language of your students. Give your class a name. Take the link that the system gives you and send it to your students. If the students do not have an e-mail, an account can also be opened at that step. You enter their names one by one. Then it creates a PDF for you to download. There is the name and password of every student in the class. You hand it over to students individually and they get started.
When the student enters the entry above, he/she chooses that he/she is a student and joins the lesson in your class.
As a teacher, you will have a classroom management screen and you can prepare various exams etc. for your students.

Isn’t it simple and fast?



Severin Hacker and Luis von Ahn 960x640 1 Learn Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese and Other Languages ​​for Free on Your Mobile with the Duolingo App 2021, android, App, Apple Store, Chinese, duolingo, Duolingo language certificate, Duolingo Plus, Eğitim, English, Free, French, German, Google Play, Italian, language, Learn Language, Linkedin, Russia, Spanish


founder of duolingo Learn Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese and Other Languages ​​for Free on Your Mobile with the Duolingo App 2021, android, App, Apple Store, Chinese, duolingo, Duolingo language certificate, Duolingo Plus, Eğitim, English, Free, French, German, Google Play, Italian, language, Learn Language, Linkedin, Russia, Spanish

Luis von Ahn, CEO

Luis von Ahn, a Carnegie Mellon University professor, is the inventor of CAPTCHAs and a MacArthur Fellow. He sold two companies to Google and gave speeches at TED that attracted a lot of attention.

Severin Hacker, CTO

Severin Hacker graduated in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2006 and received a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in 2014.

In addition, I wish good luck to everyone. I sincerely congratulate you on your efforts to improve yourself, friends.

Duolingo website: www.duolingo.com

If you want to look at other software, I recommend Busuu, Quizlet, Voscreen in particular.

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